Communicating with your Symptoms
After a few friends asked me for help with their physical challenges a few months ago, I rediscovered this wonderful process, which I had not worked with for several years… and remembered just how powerful it can be.
What does it do?
It connects us with our own source of power, allows us to listen deeply to our body and get in touch with what's lying beneath the surface.
In this physical plane our body is designed and intended to be our closest friend and most intimate partner. It continually wants to communicate with us through emotion, sensation and imagery. And when we take the time to pay attention and learn to be perceptive of its communication, we can discover that our body is an incredibly powerful ally.
It is tragic that in our western culture we grow up neither learning how to listen closely to our body, nor how to fully understand its language, let alone how to cherish and love every part of it equally. Instead we tend to ignore it, judge it harshly, battle with it, and try to control or manipulate it in all kinds of ways. We have learned to treat our body more like a machine that needs to be fixed or upgraded, rather than seeing it as the wondrous, alive and sacred vessel with its own voice and wisdom; an amazing conduit for all the physical experiences our soul has chosen to experience.
Communicating with your Symptoms
After a few friends asked me for help with their physical challenges a few months ago, I rediscovered this wonderful process, which I had not worked with for several years… and remembered just how powerful it can be.
What does it do?
It connects us with our own source of power, allows us to listen deeply to our body and get in touch with what's lying beneath the surface.
In this physical plane our body is designed and intended to be our closest friend and most intimate partner. It continually wants to communicate with us through emotion, sensation and imagery. And when we take the time to pay attention and learn to be perceptive of its communication, we can discover that our body is an incredibly powerful ally.
It is tragic that in our western culture we grow up neither learning how to listen closely to our body, nor how to fully understand its language, let alone how to cherish and love every part of it equally. Instead we tend to ignore it, judge it harshly, battle with it, and try to control or manipulate it in all kinds of ways. We have learned to treat our body more like a machine that needs to be fixed or upgraded, rather than seeing it as the wondrous, alive and sacred vessel with its own voice and wisdom; an amazing conduit for all the physical experiences our soul has chosen to experience.
Communicating with your Symptoms
After a few friends asked me for help with their physical challenges a few months ago, I rediscovered this wonderful process, which I had not worked with for several years… and remembered just how powerful it can be.
What does it do?
It connects us with our own source of power, allows us to listen deeply to our body and get in touch with what's lying beneath the surface.
In this physical plane our body is designed and intended to be our closest friend and most intimate partner. It continually wants to communicate with us through emotion, sensation and imagery. And when we take the time to pay attention and learn to be perceptive of its communication, we can discover that our body is an incredibly powerful ally.
It is tragic that in our western culture we grow up neither learning how to listen closely to our body, nor how to fully understand its language, let alone how to cherish and love every part of it equally. Instead we tend to ignore it, judge it harshly, battle with it, and try to control or manipulate it in all kinds of ways. We have learned to treat our body more like a machine that needs to be fixed or upgraded, rather than seeing it as the wondrous, alive and sacred vessel with its own voice and wisdom; an amazing conduit for all the physical experiences our soul has chosen to experience.
Intention Circles
Why would you want to start your own Intention Circle?
My husband Jim and I started running two intention circles in January 2019, after we were immensely inspired by reading Lynne McTaggarts book "The Power of 8". I decided to enhance the intention practice she describes in her book with additional gratitude exercises and a deliberate connection with our brightest future.
What does an intention circle add to your life?
I have found that the experiences the circle provides are the very ones that tend to be suppressed in our western civilization and also the ones most human beings crave. We have now experienced first hand how participating in an Intention Circle enriches everybody's life in quite miraculous ways!
If the experiences below sound exciting to you, you will very likely love being part of an intention circle.
Feeling supported by others
Being of service and helping other people
Living with a greater sense of empowerment
Having access to a regular boost of upliftment
Feeling more connected and part of a caring community
Enriching your life with more gratitude
Tapping into a brighter future
Witnessing in others and experiencing for yourself miraculous intention manifestations
I would love to plant the seeds of other Intention Circles in as many places as possible. I believe Intention Circles will add to an important shift in consciousness on this planet. It's such a powerful and yet simple practice that everybody can do! And it is so beautiful to me how sitting in this kind of circle allows our innate abilities of healing, transformation, community weaving, deeper connection and living in compassion come to life in a very natural way.
When we gather as a circle, and tap into the powers of intention, vision and gratitude, we do begin to create magic.
Would you like to start your own weekly intention circle? All you need is to gather a group of six to twelve people.
It's not that hard to find like minded people. To help you get a circle going, I offer a Start Up Package. It takes you step by step through starting and running a circle. It's quite easy to do.
Starting a local circle:
If you would like additional help in putting it all together, I offer hands-on support services:
If you live in or near the Berkshires, I can come in person to share what we have learned that made our circles run more smoothly. I give your whole group a short start up tutorial to get you going.
If you live too far away, I can coach your circle via Skype, Face Time or What'sApp.

What is in the Start Up Package?
The Package provides you with:
Three recorded gratitude exercises
Two guided meditations to connect with your brightest future
Two intention power up recordings
Written circle outline and script material
Cue cards for easy leading
You can see some of the topics that I cover in the tutorial on the photograph above. The circle guidelines make running a circle a really simple process and help you create an extraordinarily rewarding experience. And yes, one that will be life changing as well!
The cost?
$60 for the full Start Up Packet
(This could be as little $5 - $10 per person, depending on how many members your circle has.)
$20 per person for a comprehensive initial tutorial I give in person to your whole group.
Allow for 2 to 3 hours, depending on the size of your circle.
In this tutorial I share my experience with you on how to gather and hold space for a successful, ongoing circle, and lead you through some of the meditations and intentions. (Materials are included)

Our own weekly Groups
My husband Jim and I participated in the two weekly Intention Circles we started in January of 2019 for two and a half years.
In addition Jim participated in Lynne McTaggart's one year long Intention Masterclass.
Some feedback from our participants
"I value this circle so much. Tapping into and spending time with the high vibration thought and intention for each recipient has opened me up to receive on much deeper levels than I thought was possible. Holding space for each other and ourselves every week has emerged as a cherished ritual in my life. I am so grateful to beautiful Tomma for holding this space and guiding us with such compassion and love. I love this circle so much."
~ Anna B.
"Gathering quiet. Focused resonance.
Heartfelt intentions. Generating LOVE.
Supporting another, as oneSELF. Brilliant structure. Profound meditations.
Coherent hearts. Harmonizing humanity! " ~ Rosalind R.
"The Intention Circle offers an important anchor to the rhythms of my week. Here it is, as I sit in circle, that I touch the spirit of deep generosity, gratitude and compassion. There is power here as we are called to focus on an intention either for ourselves or for someone in the circle or someone outside the circle who requires deep intentional love and support. The energy that is felt around the circle as we sit there, eyes closed, holding hands, is palpable. I am embraced by the power of the circle, wrapped in the arms of prayerful intention and guided into a place of profound love."
~ Amber C.
"The thirst is deep, profound
the water is cool, clear, clean
Sluicing over all
with velvet gentleness
and infinite succor
We sit, we speak; we winnow and thresh until all is focused
we bring this precious intent into our hearts' circle
and send it out to those in need
Which is all of us, all of the time
Breathe in….breathe out….
Our hearts know what to do." ~ Valerye Z.
"I love attending the intention circle to connect with the other participants in a transparent, vulnerable, and sacred manner so together we create positive shifts in our lives, in the lives of loved ones, strangers and the greater community. It affirms that we are not alone, but in fact are all connected."
~ Julie B.
"I cherish the power of eight circle, our hosts, and lovely group participation - the experience thus far has allowed, and reminded me to tap into the 'one-ness' that is collective in the universe, and the one-ness that is our collective group intention to heal, empower, and transform. In a short span of about eight or nine weeks I have felt deep peace and gratitude from simply being present and part of the meditative intentions for others, and witnessing their wellness. It has been an invaluable resource for visualizing health and well being for loved ones in my family and community. I have also had improved movement, and minor shifts in my own level of pain (which is a body-hip related issue that is part of my individual main focus for being in the group), and possibly most importantly; an awareness shift - and realization that my health/hip issue is a physical manifestation of a more profound healing and growth opportunity I feel on the verge of being able to explore and awaken in my being."
~ Heather H.
"Tomma's intention circle is not only a safe place; it's a magical place. And it's not only Lynne McTaggart's remarkable Power of Eight. It's also Tomma's recordings that speak of her own wisdom, sensitivity and intuition, in her own voice, guiding you to the magic, and maybe even the miracle."
~ Enid F.
How did these circles come about?

what was more: these benefits not only happened to those who received an intention, they also happened for those who did the sending.
She was confounded by this outcome. As an skeptical investigative journalist she refused to automatically assume that the intentions caused these astounding experiences. What was going on? This question drove her - for years - to conduct scientific research to provide evidence of what was actually happening to her group participants.
The bottom line:
Assembled into small groups of about eight, participants without any prior training reached advanced states of transcendence and oneness. They drew to themselves life changing experiences and profound inner transformations, including physical healings and financial windfalls! And they did this simply by activating their compassion and sending a specific intention to another human being for a mere 10 minutes.
Altruism seems to emerge as a new super tool that easily outperforms the common self- help focus on filling our individual needs that we tend to get stuck on so easily in our modern world! Perhaps the "me-me-me-era" is beginning to come to an end giving way to a more connected way of living.
Contact me to find out how to start your own circle!
At the beginning of December 2018 Jimmy stumbled across Lynne McTaggart's book “The Power of 8”, which we read together and practically devoured.
You may have heard of the large intention experiments she conducted in the past with thousands of people across the globe: to explore - and scientifically track - the impact of simultaneous, focused human intention on plant life, water and human behavior.
She also - out of pure curiosity - started to form small intention circles of about eight people in her seminars to study the effects. Instantly she witnessed widespread miraculous healings and magical life changes happening within these groups on a regular basis. And