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Deep Journeys

A new service

for people in our local community!


I only offer this service to people I know personally, or to those who were introduced to me by someone I trust. 


I started serving as a Deep Journey Guide in the Fall of 2019, after a dear friend of mine sat with me during my first experience of this nature... which was really extraordinary.


Stepping into this role happened spontaneously just through my enthusiasm of telling friends about my experience. It also felt like a very natural, almost logical extension of the work I have done before. Sitting with someone during a plant medicine journey is a beautiful and sacred experience, because it allows both of us to enter a space of freedom and possibility in the most expansive and unpredictable way I know, guided by a greater wisdom and consciousness that is truly beyond our limited human reach.


I already saw my fellow humans as eternal spiritual beings, sparks of the divine, who decided to experience human life and physical reality on the basis of free will and choice here on earth. I already believed that we are all by nature powerful reality creators. But nowhere had I ever experienced this as palpable as during my own first Deep Journey.








I am now also able to offer overnight, or weekend Deep Journey retreats in our beautiful guest room for those who live further away.


Communicate safely with me on Signal:


If you have questions about a Deep Journey, plant medicine or want to talk to me in person, you need to contact me on a safely encrypted App called "Signal". Here are instructions on how to do that: Signal



You may be interested in a new series of articles

I am currently writing on healing "Beyond Psychedelics".

Tomma's Substack Articles




For scheduling questions only:


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