Communicating with your Symptoms
After a few friends asked me for help with their physical challenges a few months ago, I rediscovered this wonderful process, which I had not worked with for several years… and remembered just how powerful it can be.
What does it do?
It connects us with our own source of power, allows us to listen deeply to our body and get in touch with what's lying beneath the surface.
In this physical plane our body is designed and intended to be our closest friend and most intimate partner. It continually wants to communicate with us through emotion, sensation and imagery. And when we take the time to pay attention and learn to be perceptive of its communication, we can discover that our body is an incredibly powerful ally.
It is tragic that in our western culture we grow up neither learning how to listen closely to our body, nor how to fully understand its language, let alone how to cherish and love every part of it equally. Instead we tend to ignore it, judge it harshly, battle with it, and try to control or manipulate it in all kinds of ways. We have learned to treat our body more like a machine that needs to be fixed or upgraded, rather than seeing it as the wondrous, alive and sacred vessel with its own voice and wisdom; an amazing conduit for all the physical experiences our soul has chosen to experience.
Communicating with your Symptoms
After a few friends asked me for help with their physical challenges a few months ago, I rediscovered this wonderful process, which I had not worked with for several years… and remembered just how powerful it can be.
What does it do?
It connects us with our own source of power, allows us to listen deeply to our body and get in touch with what's lying beneath the surface.
In this physical plane our body is designed and intended to be our closest friend and most intimate partner. It continually wants to communicate with us through emotion, sensation and imagery. And when we take the time to pay attention and learn to be perceptive of its communication, we can discover that our body is an incredibly powerful ally.
It is tragic that in our western culture we grow up neither learning how to listen closely to our body, nor how to fully understand its language, let alone how to cherish and love every part of it equally. Instead we tend to ignore it, judge it harshly, battle with it, and try to control or manipulate it in all kinds of ways. We have learned to treat our body more like a machine that needs to be fixed or upgraded, rather than seeing it as the wondrous, alive and sacred vessel with its own voice and wisdom; an amazing conduit for all the physical experiences our soul has chosen to experience.
Communicating with your Symptoms
After a few friends asked me for help with their physical challenges a few months ago, I rediscovered this wonderful process, which I had not worked with for several years… and remembered just how powerful it can be.
What does it do?
It connects us with our own source of power, allows us to listen deeply to our body and get in touch with what's lying beneath the surface.
In this physical plane our body is designed and intended to be our closest friend and most intimate partner. It continually wants to communicate with us through emotion, sensation and imagery. And when we take the time to pay attention and learn to be perceptive of its communication, we can discover that our body is an incredibly powerful ally.
It is tragic that in our western culture we grow up neither learning how to listen closely to our body, nor how to fully understand its language, let alone how to cherish and love every part of it equally. Instead we tend to ignore it, judge it harshly, battle with it, and try to control or manipulate it in all kinds of ways. We have learned to treat our body more like a machine that needs to be fixed or upgraded, rather than seeing it as the wondrous, alive and sacred vessel with its own voice and wisdom; an amazing conduit for all the physical experiences our soul has chosen to experience.
Testimonials from the different programs

Complete Custom Support
Catherine L. , Therapist
I worked with Tomma intensively for about 18 months. Tomma was loving, authentic, thoughtful and always very present. I was working on a long standing and intransigent pattern (that was pretty tricky about eluding a shift) that really felt like a dark night of the soul. We did many different techniques and approaches - she had many options for how we might approach something. It was long and intense, but Tomma was always there, and with her help I feel like I have turned a corner and now I can say I predominantly live in peace, and even joy, instead of predominantly in fear and victimhood. I'm so very grateful for her love and her help.
Diane F.
More than a therapist.
Tomma’s single minded focus on healing unravels the emotional knots that constrict joy. I highly recommend her compassionate care to anyone who has tried therapy and found it futile. If you want to summon the courage to find your true nature, you could be in no better hands that Tomma’s. Be brave.
G. L. , Psychiatrist
I am truly grateful to have met and work with you. Your support has been crucial, and I can't imagine navigating my relationship without you.
Working with you goes beyond your unique collection of healing principles. In my decades of treating and teaching, I've learned that one simple truth underpins effective therapy: transformation arises from a unique therapeutic relationship that repairs the past and exemplifies what a truly authentic and caring relationship can be.
This kind of connection, achieved by very few therapists, is at the core of healing. Your kindness, intelligence, authenticity, caring and genuine presence create a nurturing environment. Without you, I would feel quite alone. Even when I make questionable choices, you are always there, offering honest support with a rare kindness.
Rui M. , Phd Student
Thank you for all the guidance and support you’ve offered me this year. It has truly been a transformational journey. I’m deeply grateful for the wisdom and care you bring to your work. Witnessing these changes in myself has been both humbling and empowering. I feel fortunate to have had your guidance along this path.

Guided Deep Journeys
Jennifer C., 53, Business Executive
“Tomma is a gentle and loving presence. She has guided me on two journeys, both of which have deepened and strengthened my spiritual understanding and connection to GOD. Tomma had amazing ability to help me understand what I was experiencing and offered wise guidance as I was trying to make sense of the information I was getting during my journey. Every time I had a question or felt confused, she offered thoughtful input in a way that wasn’t obtrusive. At every point along the way I felt guided but not pushed. I also felt very secure, which is critical because it’s such a vulnerable position to be in. I highly recommend journeys with Tomma – and I have to many people so far!”
Andrew F., 59, Licensed Mental Health Counselor
"Tomma is willing to be a silent companion or a more active participant during deep journeys. I chose to engage with her, and I believe her responses were key in facilitating a heart centered opening that continues to unfold and enrich me weeks after the session. I’ve worked with several other facilitators where a shift like this didn’t happen. I experienced her to be wise, generous, compassionate and respectful and very dedicated. I’m so grateful to have had the opportunity to work with her and hope to do so again."
T. G., Spiritual Counselor/Writer
“As I reflect on my deep journey, what strikes me most about Tomma is her generosity and her efficiency. Somehow, while I was immersed in a deep, inner process, Tomma not only was there to support me at every moment, but she managed to take unbelievably detailed notes and also create audio recordings of all key points! In addition, she made me feel safe and welcome in her comfortable home, which allayed my anxiety from the start. Her clear intention is to support the client in every possible way, and she succeeds greatly. I had no experience of darkness or negativity during the journey, which had been a minor concern prior to the session – I say “minor” because of Tomma’s response when I asked if anyone had ever had a “bad” experience. She said, “No. That’s what I’m here for. I will always encourage the individual to go toward whatever it is that’s scaring them.” That brief exchange brought me tremendous comfort.
After the session, when I received the recorded highlights and Tomma’s notes, I was shocked by how thorough it all was! Truly, nothing was left out, nothing was lost, so I can return again and again to what I learned (but may risk forgetting) from the session.
Also, the prep work and integration work are priceless. Tomma answered all my
questions and addressed all my anxieties going into the journey and she put substantial energy into making sure I extracted every ounce of value in terms of personal transformation afterwards. Frankly, even though the deep journey experience has been a financial “stretch” for me, Tomma has done a tremendous amount of work – before, during and after. I feel blessed to have received so much for such a relatively small amount of money.
In answer to the question of what she could have done to improve the experience, I honestly can’t think of a thing. Tomma was completely present with me from beginning to end and beyond. What greater gift could a coach provide?”
J. P., 74, Artist
“It was a wonderful experience from our first conversation to my departure and our integration. I felt well cared for, seen and heard. I can't think of anything that would have enhanced the experience any more.
I appreciated the space - literal and figurative - that you provide in your home. I never felt rushed or interfered with. I had my own experience - 100%. Because I had such an artful experience, I didn't require much in the way of support or explanation. I was having such a beautiful, visual time of it all.”
Walt M.
“I’m 62 and had never before experimented with mushrooms or LSD. Over the last few years I've read with interest about the research into the benefits of a psychedelic experience in treating people who suffer from PTSD, trauma, depression as well as various other dis-ease. I myself have been on a decades long journey to let go of the old stories that I've believed about myself and to discover and reconnect with my true nature. I’ve come to realize the need to let go and to open my mind and heart in order to get a more true perspective. So a psychedelic journey seemed like a reasonable option to explore.
When Tomma told me about the work she’s been doing, I knew right away that I would feel safe and could trust her to be my guide. And so with the intention of getting insight into my true nature, I did a deep journey with Tomma and it was one of the most incredible, insightful, mind and heart opening, beautiful experiences that I’ve ever had.
I feel as though I climbed to the top of the hill at the horizon of my understanding of life, death, the universe, and God. I felt totally safe with and supported by Tomma as I looked out into all that I did not know, and could never have imagined. I feel a sense of knowing now about that which is just beyond the horizon of this physical world. The world that I think I know. I know now of the immense beauty and sense of complete oneness that is true and eternal.
I am sure that I will never forget this journey and the insights and perspective I’ve received, and I continue, day by day to integrate into my consciousness these insights. And, I look forward to another deep journey in the future.”
Kathleen M., 55, Counselor/ Writer
"Working with Tomma before, during, and after the deep journey has truly been a transformational process! Tomma held the space for me to connect deeply with my Self and I have been experiencing profound results since. From setting intentions for the journey, Tomma's reassuring presence during the journey, and the follow up, she was a capable and trustworthy partner during the whole process. She guided me step by step through the whole experience with calm, grace, and ease. Thank you Tomma!”
Theresa V.
“I greatly appreciated your warmth and friendliness in communications on Signal and on Zoom from when I first met you. You had a quality of ease, acceptance and flexibility that gave me a sense of comfort and initial sense that I could trust you with such an experience.
I really appreciated your generosity, reflected in many ways, including your sliding scale, the cost of the use of your home and a possible overnight stay there, which I felt reflected an intention yo make these transformative therapeutic experiences accessible to more people.
Your freely offered kindness, on the day of my journey, including heating up my food, the cleanliness and beauty of your space, your willingness to talk to me and Richard when I came by your home, your continuing kindness throughout the deep journey and after, and also in the integration session and sharing the various sheets with me, all of it felt very restorative to me.”

Communicating with your Symptoms
Ben S.
"In the 81 years of my life, I certainly have had many experiences with different people relative to traveling to my inner and deeper places to flesh out the aspects of a situation and/or possible problem. In the vein of of needing to unravel the deeper, or maybe one could say hidden, issues around a health problem which had been plaguing me for a while, I chose to have a session with Tomma.
Tomma was fabulous in guiding me thru the avenues of discovery, ones, which resulting from her magnificent guidance, led me to discover a particular issue which pertained to the problem I was dealing with. Her wisdom and expertise became very evident as she managed to ask many excellent questions which guided me to uncover nuances which were extremely helpful in understanding the whole picture of what it was I was dealing with.
Tomma also has a way of working which is unlike any other therapist I have worked with throughout my life; namely, beyond experiencing a fine session of discovery, Tomma made me feel as tho a dear friend was right in there witnessing along with me, just as surprised as I, when something new surfaced. Of all the sessions I have experienced during my life, Tomma's humility touched me to the depths of my heart and helped me to be very comfortable as she joined me while directing me with her wise questions."
John B.
“This process was very valuable! Developing a relationship with my injured body part created a much richer environment in which to explore healing options. My new behavior is so much more enriching and engaging - which has led to actual improvement toward full healing. My new found respect and honoring of the "blockage" in my body has been a key to shifting the energy, which is an effective step within my wholistic approach.
Literally, the sensations of hurt tissue and damage have shifted. The feeling and sensations are that this area is getting better; is healing. After about a year of experiencing "damage", noticeable changes are occurring. Even when I experienced some additional pain through overuse, the sensations and the healing process were pleasantly different and noticeably quicker.”
Teri M.
“Tomma is brilliant as a meditation guide. My experience with “Communicating with your symptoms” was a feeling of release almost instantaneously. The sense that the imprint of those symptoms were lightened and a feeling of being more balanced is still present after a week. Thank- you Tomma”
Meryl P.
"I would highly recommend "the process" so far. It was deep, authentic, revealing, clearing. Having your coaching, support, awareness, and feedback was invaluable. Thank you so very much."

‘Full Spectrum Gratitude’ Group Participants
C.W.: “Gratitude as a part of our daily life does more than just chronicle feeling grateful: it actually is beginning to change our lives for the better, I feel. It’s kind of an amazing process. I feel like I’ve been asleep for so long, and now just waking up more fully.”
S.A.: “I turn on my gratitude lens when I go out in nature…sitting at my kitchen table I have a view and see the bare trees and grey dark clouds mixed with white, some blue sky…I’m filled with gratitude for the beauty where I live…”
F.K.: “The absence of the prevailing mood and practice of gratitude over these two crunch days taught me that any day in which I don’t let the light of gratitude shine on my own little stage at least part of the day is a day I feel something important is missing in my life, and that I am then sentencing myself to living life again on the hamster wheel, which is not quite living in the end.”
C.L.: “Thank YOU so much for turning me on to this amazing work. It is a huge contribution to me, especially at this time!”
E.D.: “WOW, so grateful to read all your posts, how wonderfully profoundly deeply loving, learning, articulately expressive, satisfying & moving… Thank You!!! Much to be grateful for!!!!!!! What a wonderful group!! “
W.N.: “Yes [I discovered], a simple remembrance of gratitude can change EVERYTHING, right there in the moment! On the spot! In a second! Truly amazing.”

Elana B. – Full FutureVisioning Program
“Also the session yesterday and your advice has WORKED WONDERS. Thank you immensely. I was able to talk to G., present the solution, stand firm in it and honestly what I feel right now is immense relief and joy. I never ever thought I could feel that. I am so relieved. I have everything I want. I am detached […], I don’t have to deal with his toxic CRAP and I could just jump for joy all day about that. […] I just want to focus on making my life great and one that I want to live, and I am so excited about that.
Thank you so so much, Tomma!!! And I must also thank God and Goddess for working through you and guiding me to the beautiful exit from the Hell I was in. I am so so grateful. An infinite thank you to all of you!!!!”
Sabine K. – Full FutureVisioning Program
“ […] FV works like putting a turbo [on your life]. Everything happens quite fast, everything is suddenly so logical, every incident in your past fills with meaning, even if an experience was unpleasant or painful, and everything begins to fit together… so now more than ever before I have the feeling to be “whole” and “right” just as I am. That fills me with tremendous peacefulness. […] ”
Ingrid R. – Single FutureVision Session
“Dear Tomma,
I have never really believed in miracles!!!!
But now I do!!!
What you have done in these first two hours is incredible!!! Our son has already become a different human being. In the morning we were still worried he might want to kill himself (because of the fight with the girl he loves) and at night he is the happiest person alive. What an emotional chaos, how exhausting and how hopeful, how amazing and how beautiful!!!!
And you know what made me most happy? He told me he now knows how much we love him. I said : “Honey we have always loved you.” And he responded: “I know, but I could never feel it before.” Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!”
Pat H. – Full FutureVisioning Program
“Thanks to Tomma and Future Visioning, I learned to take full responsibility for the life that I was creating. I became aware of how both my present choices and my past were effecting my future. In my sessions with Tomma, I more clearly envisioned career and relationship goals. I also released beliefs and energy that were preventing me from reaching my future vision. I recently started a new job and a new relationship. I keep moving towards my future vision. This work also brought me a deeper relationship with the Sacred Feminine.”

‘Free Community Healing’ Participants
L.H.: “Tomma, is such a skilled, warm guide and teacher. Her demonstration of what the Journey is and where it can lead was truly illuminating. I really see what a difference this practice could make in my life!”
E.P.: “Tomma’s knowledge made some very difficult scientific principles easy to understand, and her guided imagery technique was exemplary. Now I know this process is a unique tool for my personal growth and healing. Thank you!”
G.R.: “Slowly I notice other changes, […] I feel more inclined to eat healthy foods. The anger is becoming less. I also feel some emotional and physical detox. […] I feel notoriously PEACEFUL and can see the fear is also going away.”
J.G.: “A factual blend of quantum physics and psychological research, this work intrigues me and makes me want to know more.”
P.F.: “It was a TREMENDOUS GIFT & HONOR to attend your offering Tomma !”
M.E.: “Thank you, thank you, thank you a hundred, thousand times thank you. […] I have been mourning the loss of a relationship […] and have been carrying resentment, fear of the unknown, sadness, and a big broken heart. Yesterdays process showed me that I am perfect in all ways and that people come and go.”

The Journey
Stephen P.
“The journey has affected my life greatly, I was able to access the loss I had in a healing way. My intention is to have love and peace and to be effective in what I do. This experience unblocked a hurt which had effected my expression of myself to others.”
James J.
“I have been going to a therapist every week from a couple of weeks before the journey until now. […] That work is on such a surface level compared to the journey. I am learning some things that help me clarify my life, but it is fluff compared to the journey. We will never get to the level of the journey in these therapy sessions. It’s just never going to happen. So I am deeply grateful for the journey experience. I am going to the therapy sessions thinking that I am really healed and have done much, if not all of the hard work. […] the therapist has helped me with some practical advice […], but the real work was done in the Journey.”
Kelly K.
“My immediate experience during the days right after the journey was a feeling of complete awareness, openness, and calm. Also, some surprise to discover I was carrying such old resentment.
The journey eased my way in terms of feeling stronger and ready to move forward- now it feels as if the issues are more in the current life, or at least in the past few years. […]
I have noticed that challenging situations don’t bother me so much right now – I look at them as part of an observing process. I also have the ability to distance myself from negative stuff, and put it at arm’s length, while still listening to it. It’s a stronger boundary now. “

Soul Retrievals
Lorraine F.
“I had wanted to tell you some of my thoughts about the soul retrieval you did for me. In particular, I wanted to tell you how wonderful I found your drumming. […] I had a fabulous meditation, more like hypnosis actually. I can’t find words to put this, but it took me along for the ride in the most beautiful way. It opened up in many directions like a multi-dimensional dance. Total lack of words, but maybe you know what I mean.
Overall, I really appreciated the experience of your soul retrieval. Here’s the most memorable part: that you would meditate on my concerns. I was very touched by your spending this period of time looking for answers for me. I found your devotion to helping others to be very moving. It was lovely being in your graceful presence. That feeling has lingered. It was good to have met you.”
Susan S.
“I was awestruck at how deeply Tomma penetrated my unconscious world, and in a swift, remarkable and loving way, helped find, and transform layers of patterning that have caused years of difficulties in this lifetime. […]
It is breathtaking to have the help of an experienced shamanic traveler like Tomma, who can penetrate the layers that are mysterious to me, even in my own trance state. Her ability to crystallize and find the root cause, the ‘lost part’ was remarkable and beautiful. Her ability then to heal and transform old pain into new, fresh, and hopeful connection, is even more remarkable.”
Yolanda Y.
“I felt more alive, everything around me had life, colors were brighter, sounds were musical. It showed me that as children we know everything there is to know, and now that I am an adult I am turning to my inner child to show me to enjoy life again.”
Patrice M.
“After your gift of the soul retrieval things shifted and lightened pretty fast. All those many pictures and “memories”, all your willingness to travel through and suffer through my struggles have stayed with me very strongly. […]
The most memorable thing of all, however, was your deep love and concern on my behalf. Thank you for all of that, Tomma. It was a big gift. You are amazing.”