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Work with Tomma


I believe our soul's path is always infused with beauty.

We just need to relearn how to see that.

There are three ways to work with me:


1) Complete Custom Support (Start with a Three-Month program)

  • Address your personal life situation with a tailored focus.


2) Single Session of a Main Process​​

  • Work through a specific emotional or physical challenge.

3) Structured Programs with Weekly Private Sessions


All private work can be done in person, via Zoom, or by phone.

How I work

I want to outline the spiritual foundation of my work—not to tell you what to believe, but to clarify my approach. Perhaps this also inspires you to contemplate a more empowered perspective on your life experiences.


  • We are powerful, eternal, spiritual beings, who either create or allow all of the experiences we have.

  • We create our reality not only through our conscious mind, but also through our subconscious imprints and our soul agreements which can be a reflection of past life experiences.

  • We live in a reflective universe, which always matches our vibration and helps us understand what we carry inside.

  • Every experience has both a dark and a light side; if we encounter darkness, there is always light to be found.

  • There are no good or bad emotions. All emotions are our allies and will serve us when we allow ourselves to fully feel them.


Four essential pillars of Well-Being

Strengthening these pillars allows you to express more of your true self with ease. 

  1. Self-Love & Self-Compassion 

  2. Gratitude

  3. Trust in a Bright Future 

  4. Connection 


Among them, self-love is the most powerful source of healing and transformation. Learning to access it can profoundly alter the experiences of your daily life. However in the beginning, while self-love may still be out of reach, self-compassion is often the most effective source of healing. 




Complete Custom Support

Custom support is the fastest and most empowering way to heal, transform, and elevate your life experience.


Step 1: Defining Your Highest Intention

We begin by clarifying what you want to create, shift, or heal.


Step 2: Assessing Your Four Pillars

  • How deeply do you feel self-love in your daily life?

  • How often do you feel gratitude?

  • How strong is your trust in a bright future?

  • How much connection do you feel in your life?


(Please use this complementary chart to assess your four pillars)

Step 3: The Healing Work

As we work together, we will not only spend time in conversation to reach new insights and greater understanding, but we will also use my unique collection of powerful healing tools and processes, in order to:

  • Heal old wounds and traumas

  • Release suppressed emotions and physical energy blocks

  • Unravel limiting or dysfunctional patterns and imprints

  • Restore your awareness of your innate inner power


(Please see some process descriptions below)

Step 4: Self Empowerd Growth

An additional goal is to teach you how to use the healing principles we work with on your own. To that end I have created a collection of easy to use support tools that you continue to have access to for the rest of your life.

All of it will create accelerated and lasting change from the inside out.



My Approach


I am not here to help you change into a "better" version of yourself. I am here to support you in becoming more of who you truly are.

This journey may require letting go of old defenses, habitual perceptions, and deep seated beliefs that have been feeding a wounded identity and blocked the natural flow of life force.


Embodying more of your true self naturally leads to:

  • More resilience and peace

  • More understanding, clarity and discernment

  • Greater empowerment and authenticity

  • Stronger creativity and inspiration

  • More gratitude, compassion, and love


My ultimate intention is for you to emerge from our work not just feeling whole and healed but also empowered to continue to move forward with confidence.



What's next? 

I offer a free 30-minute consultation to help you decide if this work is right for you. This time can also be used to clarify your goals and map out what you wish to create, enhance, or release.

Recommended Commitment:

  • A three-month program with weekly 60- or 90-minute sessions

  • Booking a single session is also available, if you want to experience this work before committing



  • Sessions are available on a sliding scale starting at $50 per hour​



The Main Processes 


Emotional Alchemy

This proprietary process helps release old emotional patterns, dysfunctional relationship dynamics, irrational fears and chronic anxieties. Inspired by a Pleiadian healing principle from The Golden Lake by Lyssa Royal, this method identifies the emotional polarities that drive our unwanted experiences and quickly reveals their deeper roots in our past. It further allows us to understand how we formed a false, negative identity we needed to prove wrong, which also gave rise to a false, craved identity. Using the polarized emotions we can facilitate a process of alchemy that releases the pattern. We complete the release through a transformative ritual using the power of the four elements.


Read more about Emotional Alchemy on Substack 

Emotional Alchemy.png

Emotional Release

Suppressed emotions play a part in every single negative experience we have in our lives. There are really no negative or positive emotions, there are welcomed emotions and resisted ones. All suppressed emotions, instead of leading to a clear awareness, an action or an honest communication, got locked into the cells of our body. As they accumulate, they become the root of all negative relationship dynamics as well as uncontrollable emotional triggers we feel stuck in. But further, they also lead to persistent tension and energy blocks in the body which often build up to create chronic physical conditions. This release process guides you in allowing suppressed emotions to flow through the body, opening the door to deep healing for both the mind and the body.

This work is based on the Emotional Journey Process I was trained in through Brandon Bays' Practitioner Accreditation Program.

The Healing Power of Compassion

Weaving self directed compassion into a process has recently shown to be a magical missing link. Even when the wounded self is still too paralyzed or hopeless to speak up, I am able to guide you in speaking simple sentences of compassion, which naturally open a connection to the higher self.  This process not only gently reveals a deeper truth about the self, but also gently allows layer after layer of pain to dissolve along with their old imprints. 

This work is inspired by the Compassion Key, developed by Edward Mannix



Reprogramming the Past

This powerful method first uses imagination to access the healing power of your bright future self in order connect with a younger self who was impacted by a negative experience. By empowering the younger self to fully express their suppressed or forbidden emotions, we can reverse the old imprint and replace old negative conclusions with self nurturing, positive ones. This profoundly transformative process has shown remarkable success, even in psychedelic-assisted healing.

The principles of this process come from my training in FutureVisioning (2011-2014).


Communicating with your Symptoms 

This guided introspection allows you to connect with and listen to your body in a way that and uncovers the deeper emotions and beliefs that have been driving the manifestation of a physical symptom. By dialoguing with these deeper layers, a new fundamental understanding can be found that was missing and healing can unfold naturally and often noticed instantaneously.

In this context it may be helpful to understand that all illnesses can be addressed and healed not only at the physical, but also on the emotional and consciousness levels:

  1. Physical Level: Addressing causes through medicine, diet, or movement

  2. Emotional Level: Releasing suppressed emotions impacting the body

  3. Consciousness Level: Accessing a deeper truth transcending old wounds


This work is also rooted in my FutureVisioning training.

A first time full session typically runs between 60 and 90 minutes.


I am offering all of these processes on a low end sliding scale 

starting at $50 per hour.


Structured Programs

I currently offer three structured Programs:



Love Based Reality Creation


This is a 12 week guided program.

It takes you through specific experiential sequences which give rise to profound insights, illuminate your powers of reality creation, and ingrain the essential foundations of wholeness and freedom, as well as the actions and qualities of self love.


My brightest Future

Whenever you want to make a significant change in your life, whether you try to heal a physical condition, change an emotional pattern, bring more love into your life, or open the flow of greater prosperity, the most powerful way to start is by tapping into the power of your brightest future. 


Gratitude Immersion


A four week guided program of powerful and fun daily gratitude exercises that help you to create a life filled with abundance, magic, joy, meaning and love. 

Gratitude Immersion is also available in a self guided version.

Custom Support

© 2023 by Tomma von Haeften.   Created with

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