Communicating with your Symptoms
After a few friends asked me for help with their physical challenges a few months ago, I rediscovered this wonderful process, which I had not worked with for several years… and remembered just how powerful it can be.
What does it do?
It connects us with our own source of power, allows us to listen deeply to our body and get in touch with what's lying beneath the surface.
In this physical plane our body is designed and intended to be our closest friend and most intimate partner. It continually wants to communicate with us through emotion, sensation and imagery. And when we take the time to pay attention and learn to be perceptive of its communication, we can discover that our body is an incredibly powerful ally.
It is tragic that in our western culture we grow up neither learning how to listen closely to our body, nor how to fully understand its language, let alone how to cherish and love every part of it equally. Instead we tend to ignore it, judge it harshly, battle with it, and try to control or manipulate it in all kinds of ways. We have learned to treat our body more like a machine that needs to be fixed or upgraded, rather than seeing it as the wondrous, alive and sacred vessel with its own voice and wisdom; an amazing conduit for all the physical experiences our soul has chosen to experience.
Communicating with your Symptoms
After a few friends asked me for help with their physical challenges a few months ago, I rediscovered this wonderful process, which I had not worked with for several years… and remembered just how powerful it can be.
What does it do?
It connects us with our own source of power, allows us to listen deeply to our body and get in touch with what's lying beneath the surface.
In this physical plane our body is designed and intended to be our closest friend and most intimate partner. It continually wants to communicate with us through emotion, sensation and imagery. And when we take the time to pay attention and learn to be perceptive of its communication, we can discover that our body is an incredibly powerful ally.
It is tragic that in our western culture we grow up neither learning how to listen closely to our body, nor how to fully understand its language, let alone how to cherish and love every part of it equally. Instead we tend to ignore it, judge it harshly, battle with it, and try to control or manipulate it in all kinds of ways. We have learned to treat our body more like a machine that needs to be fixed or upgraded, rather than seeing it as the wondrous, alive and sacred vessel with its own voice and wisdom; an amazing conduit for all the physical experiences our soul has chosen to experience.
Communicating with your Symptoms
After a few friends asked me for help with their physical challenges a few months ago, I rediscovered this wonderful process, which I had not worked with for several years… and remembered just how powerful it can be.
What does it do?
It connects us with our own source of power, allows us to listen deeply to our body and get in touch with what's lying beneath the surface.
In this physical plane our body is designed and intended to be our closest friend and most intimate partner. It continually wants to communicate with us through emotion, sensation and imagery. And when we take the time to pay attention and learn to be perceptive of its communication, we can discover that our body is an incredibly powerful ally.
It is tragic that in our western culture we grow up neither learning how to listen closely to our body, nor how to fully understand its language, let alone how to cherish and love every part of it equally. Instead we tend to ignore it, judge it harshly, battle with it, and try to control or manipulate it in all kinds of ways. We have learned to treat our body more like a machine that needs to be fixed or upgraded, rather than seeing it as the wondrous, alive and sacred vessel with its own voice and wisdom; an amazing conduit for all the physical experiences our soul has chosen to experience.
Reaching a higher point of view
Deep Journey Information

- for referred clients only

Brief overview of the services
that are included in a guided Deep Journey
The Preparation:
To prepare for this transformational psilocybin experience we start by looking for your core intention. If you are not yet sure about your intention I invite you to use the series of questions below. Answering them in writing can shed more light on what it is you want to create in your life. Our goal for you is to find your highest intention possible and to begin anchoring it in a strong foundation of self love. Having a clear intention is crucial for steering your experience, it’s like the rudder that sets the course for your journey. If you have additional question or would like to meet, I offer a 30 minute consultation. After scheduling the date for your Deep Journey, I will send you a link to another hidden web page with all further information you need during your preparation time.
Five days before your Deep Journey you will begin to microdose with small amounts of plant medicine. This helps to acclimate the body and allows you to begin to practice infusing your life with your intention. It will not interfere with your regular activities or work. (You will find more instructions on the above mentioned preparation page.) Please contact me on Signal to find out how to make that happen.
One or two days before your Deep Journey we will schedule a one hour preparation session. In that session we go over all the logistics and preparations for the big day, and we also thoroughly map out your intention. We may for example clarify the wording of your core intention and raise its vibration. In order to be an effective guide it is helpful for me to learn more about the context of your intention, understand your current life situation, the challenges you may be facing, and what history they might be rooted in. We may also find it useful to collect all accompanying key questions you have.

The Deep Journey:
On the day of your Deep Journey I come to your home. (Unless you live more than an hour away from me.) I support your entry into altered consciousness with a powerful guided self love meditation. I will be prepared to stay with you for 6 hours. During your experience I take detailed written notes and also try to catch all key developments and insights on digital audio recording. These records are often very helpful for your process of integration afterwards.
What will happen?
Where exactly the journey will take you in response to your intention is impossible to predict. The only thing we can expect is that it will be a surprise.
This process and the wisdom of the plant will always give you what you need and that can often be quite different from what you think you want.
The key to a break through experience that results in a deeply significant and potentially life changing awareness is going to be your ability to surrender. In order to surrender you may have to let go of ingrained habits you are using to control situations in your life, and release any possible resistance or fears that show up. Perhaps the most important support I provide as a guide is helping you to do all of that. We will speak more about this in our preparation session.
The Integration Work:
In order to integrate the experiences during your deep Journey and to make room for the realizations to become part of your life, I recommend two follow up Integration Sessions. For most people the integration work is just as important as the experience of the Deep Journey itself.
I strongly suggest to schedule at least one integration session. The best timing is usually fairly soon, within a week after your Deep Journey, while your brain is still in a state of plasticity.
You schedule a free 30 min consultation to answer any questions you have.
You decide to go for it and book your dates for a Deep Journey with me.
You send me a $50 to $100 reservation payment.
You read through the preparation web page I will send you.
You further clarify your core intention.
We connect via Signal to arrange for microdosing.
You start microdosing 5 days before your Deep Journey.
We meet for a one hour Zoom Preparation Session one or two days before, to go over all logistics and to talk in more depth about your intention.
I come to your home on the day of your Deep Journey. (Or you to mine)
I stay with you for 6 hours of presence, guidance and support.
We meet for a one hour Zoom Integration Session during the week following your Deep Journey.
We meet for a second one hour Integration Session anytime between 1 and 3 months after your Deep Journey.
You can read a few testimonials here.
You will also find a lot more information about my other work and myself on the public pages of my website above. I recommend looking at it on your computer, because most of the opening pages feature some beautiful animation, which you won't be able to see on your cell phone.
Contact me on Signal
If we have not spoken in person yet: I offer a free 30 minute consultation to meet you on Zoom and answer any remaining questions you have. Please contact me on Signal to schedule a time for us to meet on Zoom, or in person, if you live close by.
All Scheduling and Plant Medicine Questions:
With the amount of emails I receive, it is easiest to keep track of new clients on this safely encrypted communication app. It is also the only place I am able answer any specific questions you may have about the psilocybin mushrooms. Please do not mention them in regular email or text communications. (Again, please use these instructions in order to connect with me on Signal.)
If you do prefer email, here is my address:
Save the link of this page!
This is an invisible page you can only access through this link, which means you won't be able to find it again in the above drop down menu. (If you leave this page, via a link, use the back arrow to return here.)
Extra Support for Healing Trauma
If you have trauma history, you may need more than one preparation session to create a greater sense of safety for yourself. Establishing a stronger foundation of trust and understanding may be important for you to really feel safe and supported. Feeling safe is the basis on which you will be able to let go more fully during the Deep Journey, allowing you to surrender to this transformative experience.
Please let me know during our consultation if a process of building a therapeutic relationship would make a difference for you. I will be happy to explore with you how to adjust and expand the preparation in a way that is right for you.
Counter Indications
If you are on medication with an SSRI, SNRI, TCA, or MAOI it is generally not advised to explore using this plant. You might want to do some research about your specific medication, or talk to your doctor about possibilities to pause your medication.
Here is a helpful article:
I have however also guided a few journeys with clients who were on an SSRI, and several had a very good experience.
Here is another article on that new field of research:
If there is a history of schizophrenia in your family, caution is advised as well.

Legal Protection under "The Divine Assembly"
“The Divine Assembly community believes in the divine power of responsible psilocybin use. The purpose of the Divine Assembly is to connect people, protect the responsible and religious use of psilocybin, and cultivate health and healing.”
As you may know, Psilocybin is still a schedule 1 illegal substance.
That means you are not allowed to buy, own or sell it.
In Massachussetts there are currently four cities that have decriminalized Psilocybin, which doesn’t make it legal yet, but at least the severity of the offense has been reduced. The cities are Sommerville, Cambridge, Northampton and Easthampton.
I want to encourage you to join “The Divine Assembly” to create a space of legal safety for our work together,
As a member of the church your use of psilocybin is legally protected, because it is considered the sacrament that enables you to create a deeper connection to the Divine. While there is a strong movement to decriminalize and hopefully later on even legalize the magic mushrooms, it is obviously hard to predict how long that might actually take. In the meantime, becoming a member of this church provides a pretty good legal safety net.
I became a member in August of 2021.
Joining is easy, online and free of charge.
You can learn more about this church and join it here:
Please let me know if you have any questions about this.

Setting your Intention
You can use any of these questions to clarify the intention for your personal journey.
Is there an area in my life I want to transform?
What is my highest vision for this area that seems possible to me?
Is there some kind of experience or quality I long for that is currently scarce or lacking in my life?
What might it feel like when that experience or quality is a regular part of my life?
Is there something I might need to give up in order to let it in?
Do I have questions about my life’s direction?
What would it feel like to know I am on the right track?
Are there core relationships with members in my close family that need to heal?
How would it affect me and my life if this healing took place?
Do I wish to connect more deeply with my ancestors, guides, angels or spiritual teachers?
Do I wish to have a closer relationship with or feel the presence of the divine?
Who, apart from myself, might be most impacted when I or my life changes?
Is there anybody who might not welcome this change?
We will clarify your intention during our preparation session the day before your Deep Journey.

Deep Journeys at Forest Row
There are several reasons you may want to do your Deep Journey at our house in Great Barrington. If you live more than one hour's drive away from me, it will be too exhausting for me to drive more than two hours in addition to doing six hours of guidance at your home.
It could also be that your home does not have the privacy you need for this experience, or perhaps you just want to be in neutral environment. In any of such cases I am able to offer the healing space in our home on Forest Row.
More information about Deep Journeys at Forest Row here.
If you are traveling from further away you may want to add an overnight stay in our guest room. Please ask me about it.
More information about Forest Row Overnights here!

The wilderness of your soul
7 and a half years ago, I heard my future calling me.
It was during a break at a Celtic Beltane celebration. I felt the need to step out of the large beautiful gathering space, away from familiar faces, and be by myself for a while. I was in the middle of a painful life transition.
For three weeks in a row, the man, who was my teacher and mentor, had launched relentless attacks against me during our weekly zoom meetings for defending the benefit of a specific type of healing work. The other two members of our core study group joined him in his rally against me, and our gatherings had become a full out battle to keep me under his control. The taste of confusion, hurt and breathless bewilderment that grabbed me as I listened to friends I had trusted and a man I had admired, was penetrating my daily life.
I went out the back door down into the sprawling garden, was drawn past the lovely spring blooms in the generous perennial border, came to the edge of the thick lawn that ran along the wooden fence, found myself opening a gate, set foot on a mowed tractor path that curved with the fence along the edge of the forest… walked for a while… and then stopped. I had followed a sense of being drawn forward, and now I sensed I shouldn’t follow the path any further, so I waited and looked around for something to catch my attention. There was nothing special about this little rutted stretch of path or the forest that opened to the side of me. The first silky leaves just began poking out of the budding branches, grasses and woodland plants were sprouting through the brown carpet of snow pressed leaves… and finally I felt that it was the ground of the forest that beckoned me to step off the trodden trail onto virgin soil and vegetation, and so I did. I took perhaps a dozen steps and paused again... feeling the difference of standing amidst the forest: it was a place where the plants grew in communion with each other. I felt the soft earth, covered by layers of leaves beneath me, and wondered if this was a patch of soil no one ever stepped on before. I felt inexplicably peaceful here. Then I heard a voice:
“I want to take you by the hand and step with you into the wilderness of your soul”
And I knew what it meant! I felt like a part of my soul had spoken. These words instantly captured the feeling experience of how I longed to work with clients! The wilderness was the place where my teacher didn’t want to go, where he’d have to give up control. I understood why I didn’t belong in his circle any longer.
Making my way back to the gathering space I noticed rose petals on the ground leading to the front entrance. I was amazed I hadn’t seen any of them when I arrived! And now they laid there… and I felt their sweet invitation, to follow their trail of love, welcoming me home to myself.
During the following weeks I left my teacher and found the words of how I now wanted to work with clients:
“I want to take you by the hand and step with you into the wilderness of your human nature, stand with you on the untouched soil of your being and awaken the dormant senses of who you can be, of the possible, of what lies yet beyond your imagination. I want to lay a trail of love that you can choose to follow, without pushing or convincing you. Instead I will leave the full responsibility of that choice and decision in your hands, because that’s where it belongs.”
It described a feeling place that was extraordinarily vivid to me, but in real life I had no idea how to make that happen. It took more than 5 years for my soul’s longing to begin manifesting. I didn’t know what was slowly being prepared, growing like mycelium underground. In fact I often felt quite lost during that time. Life kept taking me in unexpected directions. I started gardening and fell in love with it. I wondered whether I was perhaps not meant to work in a transformational way with people any longer. Maybe the last chapter of my work would be simply one of a gardener? Now, in retrospect, can I see the magical orchestration that happened, which allowed all the significant pieces to fall into place.
A week ago I suddenly remembered the moment in the forest when I heard the voice of my soul. And I experienced a moment of awe in realizing how fully that sensed vision has now become my reality.
Fee Sliding Scale
In order to make this work available to people with many different financial means, I offer these guided Deep Journeys on a low end sliding scale.
You can see my Sliding Scale Fee Schedule here.
Please be prepared to pay for this program on the day or the day after your Deep Journey.
For payment I accept cash or checks,
Venmo: @Tomma-vonHaeften (please use "private" setting)
or Zelle bank wire to Lee Bank:
I look forward to hearing from you!