Communicating with your Symptoms
After a few friends asked me for help with their physical challenges a few months ago, I rediscovered this wonderful process, which I had not worked with for several years… and remembered just how powerful it can be.
What does it do?
It connects us with our own source of power, allows us to listen deeply to our body and get in touch with what's lying beneath the surface.
In this physical plane our body is designed and intended to be our closest friend and most intimate partner. It continually wants to communicate with us through emotion, sensation and imagery. And when we take the time to pay attention and learn to be perceptive of its communication, we can discover that our body is an incredibly powerful ally.
It is tragic that in our western culture we grow up neither learning how to listen closely to our body, nor how to fully understand its language, let alone how to cherish and love every part of it equally. Instead we tend to ignore it, judge it harshly, battle with it, and try to control or manipulate it in all kinds of ways. We have learned to treat our body more like a machine that needs to be fixed or upgraded, rather than seeing it as the wondrous, alive and sacred vessel with its own voice and wisdom; an amazing conduit for all the physical experiences our soul has chosen to experience.
Communicating with your Symptoms
After a few friends asked me for help with their physical challenges a few months ago, I rediscovered this wonderful process, which I had not worked with for several years… and remembered just how powerful it can be.
What does it do?
It connects us with our own source of power, allows us to listen deeply to our body and get in touch with what's lying beneath the surface.
In this physical plane our body is designed and intended to be our closest friend and most intimate partner. It continually wants to communicate with us through emotion, sensation and imagery. And when we take the time to pay attention and learn to be perceptive of its communication, we can discover that our body is an incredibly powerful ally.
It is tragic that in our western culture we grow up neither learning how to listen closely to our body, nor how to fully understand its language, let alone how to cherish and love every part of it equally. Instead we tend to ignore it, judge it harshly, battle with it, and try to control or manipulate it in all kinds of ways. We have learned to treat our body more like a machine that needs to be fixed or upgraded, rather than seeing it as the wondrous, alive and sacred vessel with its own voice and wisdom; an amazing conduit for all the physical experiences our soul has chosen to experience.
Communicating with your Symptoms
After a few friends asked me for help with their physical challenges a few months ago, I rediscovered this wonderful process, which I had not worked with for several years… and remembered just how powerful it can be.
What does it do?
It connects us with our own source of power, allows us to listen deeply to our body and get in touch with what's lying beneath the surface.
In this physical plane our body is designed and intended to be our closest friend and most intimate partner. It continually wants to communicate with us through emotion, sensation and imagery. And when we take the time to pay attention and learn to be perceptive of its communication, we can discover that our body is an incredibly powerful ally.
It is tragic that in our western culture we grow up neither learning how to listen closely to our body, nor how to fully understand its language, let alone how to cherish and love every part of it equally. Instead we tend to ignore it, judge it harshly, battle with it, and try to control or manipulate it in all kinds of ways. We have learned to treat our body more like a machine that needs to be fixed or upgraded, rather than seeing it as the wondrous, alive and sacred vessel with its own voice and wisdom; an amazing conduit for all the physical experiences our soul has chosen to experience.
All Private Session Resources
- for private clients and their families only
If you received this link from one of Tomma's clients, and you are not related to them, please consider making a small donation toward using these materials.
Venmo: @Tomma-vonHaeften
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Meditations / Sound Healing
A Series of 8 Morning Meditations
Currently available:
Self Love Actions with inner child
Self Love Qualities with inner child
Bright Future
Flow of Life
Transforming Self Criticism
Emotional Alchemy
Healing Elixir of Blessings
The meditations run between 12 and 19 minutes in length.
Each one is accompanied by soothing nature sounds.
You can find the meditations here.
You can also find a single meditation to experience and try on an expanded state of self love on my Three Gifts page here:
I originally created these morning meditations for my “Love Based Reality Creation” program. Using them on a regular basis is an easy way to tap into the life-giving potential of self love, gratitude, and your bright future, and helps you to welcome the flow of life, transform self criticism, practice emotional alchemy to dissolve old polarities, and use the healing power of your own blessings. All of them support you in becoming more of who you truly are.
Sound Healing: Tom Kenyon
I have found the sound code pieces by Tom Kenyon to be a wonderful source of additional support and healing at a deep level of my being. Some of them are also extraordinarily beautiful. If you feel drawn to working with channeled sound codes from another star system, you can try them out easily. This list contains my favorite meditations, as well as those I believe might support you in your ongoing journey.
Resources for Healing
The Power of Self Love
The Power of Breathing
The Power of Smiling
The Power of Gratitude
The Power of your Bright Future and your Bright Future Self
To experience the difference between a dark and a bright future, you can go to this guided exercise on my Three Gifts page:
Dark Road, Light Road guided Meditation
Gathering your Dream pdf + writing worksheet
Create your Brightest Future pdf + writing worksheet
The Power of Welcoming Life
Creating New Brain Searches: The Power of Source Questions
Nourishing your Creativity
Hawaiian Healing Prayer: Ho'oponopono
Conscious Communication for Couples
Reality Creation
The three Tools of Reality Creation
​The six Raw Materials of Reality Creation
The Raw Materials of Reality Creation
​Tools for Releasing
Releasing Suppressed Anger to Heal
​The Antagonist to Self Love: Self Pity
Discover your Self Pity Patterns
Changing an old Belief Cluster
Duality Dissolution Process for Old Patterns
Dismantling Recurring Negative Thoughts
The Non-Physical Realm
​Connecting with your Soul or Soul Family
You can use this guided meditation on my Three Gifts page to experience a greater connection to your soul, soul family and higher self here:
Your Soul, Soul Family and Higher Self Meditation
Connecting & Communicating with your Soul and Soul Family
Death and Dying
Lazaris: A Question about Dying
Adronis: The Soul in between Lifetimes
I hope you find this collection of resources useful.
If you see a subject or exercise that looks intriguing, and I have not suggested it to you yet, please make sure you mention it during our next session.